Water Projection Radiography
Both the procedure and any resultant images are often simply called x ray.
Water projection radiography. Plain radiography generally refers to projectional radiography. Waters view radiograph farlex partner medical dictionary farlex 2012. The patient s head is positioned as described using the waters method but the neck is extended a lesser amount. The occipitomental om or waters view is an angled pa radiograph of the skull with the patient gazing slightly upwards.
It is commonly used to get a better view of the maxillary sinuses. Although the parietoacanthial projection waters method is widely used many institutions modify the projection by radiographing the patient using less extension of the patient s neck. Waters view also known as the occipitomental view is a radiographic view where an x ray beam is angled at 45 to the orbitomeatal line. Reverse towne projection open mouth conclusions.
Another variation of the waters according to merrill s atlas of radiographic positioning and procedures places the orbitomeatal line at a 37 angle to the image receptor. In the modification. The image acquisition is generally performed by radiographers and the images are often examined by radiologists. The rays pass from behind the head and are perpendicular to the radiographic plate.
In extraoral radiographic examinations both the x ray source and the image receptor film or electronic sensor are placed outside the patient s mouth. Indication it can be used to assess for facial fractures as well as for acute sinusitis. These include the lateral cephalometric projection. This chapter describes the most common extraoral radiographic examinations in which the source and sensor remain static.
Max il lar y si nus ra di o graph a radiographic frontal view of the maxillary sinuses orbits nasal structures and zygomas. It can be used to assess for facial fractures as well as for acute sinusitis. Projectional radiography also known as conventional radiography is a form of radiography and medical imaging that produces two dimensional images by x ray radiation. Skull radiographs in general a.
The acanthioparietal or reverse water s view modified water s view used in trauma. Water projection is a technique used ever more frequently and in the right situations it can truly make the public step back and admire a brand s creativity. Skull radiographs in general are rapidly becoming obsolete being replaced by much more sensitive ct scans. Permits direct comparison of the sides.
This modification although sometimes called a shallow waters actually increases the angulation of the oml by placing it more perpendicular to the plane of the ir.